We’re passionate about helping you grow and make an impact.

  • I was born and raised in a resource-limited environment, and I have always been driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence. Despite the many obstacles I faced, I never allowed my circumstances to define myself. Instead, I used them as steppingstones, propelling myself towards greater heights.

  • Constant improvement, respect, and thanking God. I like to look at life like a book that is still be written. The book is on me and I determine what goes into that book by the choices I make in life. My end goal is to have one interesting book that future generations would love to learn about.

  • What got me into trading was the desire to not have to be tied down to a job. I am a father of three and working 72 hours a week I missed out on a lot of my kids growing up. I wanted something that didn’t have a limit to how much I could earn, would give me the luxury of working where I want, and a skill that I could teach others. Trading checked off all 3!

  • “If it’s easy it’s not worth it.”

    “Control what you can and not stress what you can not”

    - STO


Gold Pack

“I'm so glad I joined STO stocks. Without him, I don't know where I'd be in trading or even in life. I was lost in trading and didn't know my own strategy, and he came in at the perfect time, took the opportunity, and it paid out."

Gold Pack

“Changed my way of financial life, change how I look at money. He tries to always help, even if it isn’t trading, always keeping 100%, showing exactly how, and why he makes trades.”

Gold Pack

My Experience under Sto’s mentorship was overwhelming at first but once he broke everything down simplifying every detail everything started to make sense. Is say he’s been outstanding with his work.”

Gold Pack

“The mentorship has been great, with no negative experience. What really helped was reaching out and being honest about my Finacial goals and committing to the work.”

Gold Pack

“Provides insights on one’s day-to-day life, whether that be financially or mental.”

Bronze Pack

“I got a good grasp of the basics from you, and you did teach well during our sessions. I know that we did the sessions more than we should have because the Bronze package does not cover that benefit, but I think as long as the Bronze package offers the basics of trading, and perhaps introduces the paper trade mechanics so that Bronze members can move forward with that knowledge, then the Bronze will be excellent.”

Silver Pack

"I love everything about the silver package my man and I haven’t even fully utilized it yet as far as getting into call with you or anything like that. Just based off your watchlist and the chat you learn things from those around you and start to build that knowledge you need to read the market. You have guys in there that send pics of them reading it and it benefits those who don’t know as much yet. So that’s pretty good in my book as far as for a silver package. Also, your calls are always legit and you know what you’re doing and the people can see we can trust in you when going into your plays. Now, yes not everybody is perfect and will get 100% on the plays but that’s part of the game and the market always changes so it’s not based off of you. In my opinion silver package is legit and well worth it as I already made my money back and more within like the first 2 or 3 weeks.”